Last Updated: September 28, 2023
As summer is wrapping up, it’s time to start thinking about fall! With schools and shops getting in early on the autumn action, it’s no doubt fall is on our minds. So pour yourself a cup of coffee, or something pumpkin if that’s your jam. Let’s make a fall bucket list! In this post, you’ll find fall activity ideas for kids, printable fall bucket list ideas, and a list of fall holidays.

Fall Bucket List Ideas: Activities
- Gardening and harvesting from the garden – this is a great ongoing activity kiddos can help with
- visit a corn maze or maize!
- attend a kids version of symphony
- fall hikes to look at the leaves changing color
- visit a pumpkin patch – pick pumpkins
- go on a hay ride
- carve a pumpkin
- make something pumpkin – muffins, bread, pie
- go to a basketball game
- Rake leaves
- Jump in that pile of raked leaves!
- Decide on a Halloween costume and/or create one
- Go Trick or Treating in your neighborhood
- Reduce, reuse and recycle for a lower or zero waste Halloween
- picking out fun rain boots (if you don’t already have your kids rain & winter gear for the season)
- time at the library or picking up library books – reading books about pumpkins or other fall themes!
- baking – cookies, cinnamon rolls, pie, fall treats!
- go apple picking to an orchard (or pears!)
- make hot apple cider
- start a weekly family soup night – just add cheese and bread!
- comfort food! Practice for Thanksgiving – mmm mashed potatoes and gravy and…
- movie night – popcorn picture show!
- make sweet potato fries
- go on a fall bike ride
- go on a train ride
- end of season camping trip with cabin or yurt camping
- fresh art supplies
- finding some ways to play indoors!
- flannel sheets or blankets
- pick up a new board game or have a game night
- make an advent calendar
- non-stressful Christmas prep and planning!
- make a Christmas wishlist
- start a winter bucket list!
Fall Holidays 2023:
Autumn is technically September 23 – December 21 in 2023. Sometimes people use full months as seasons – a la fall is September, October, and November (and December is winter). But this list follows the more technical fall season from the Autumnal Equinox (Sept 23) to the Winter Solstice (Dec 21).
- September 23 – Autumn Equinox (Fall begins)
- October 9 – Indigenous People’s Day (formerly Columbus Day in the US)
- October 9 – Thanksgiving in Canada
- October 31 – Halloween
- November 5 – Daylight Savings Time ends
- November 7 – Election Day in the US
- November 10 – Veteran’s Day in the US
- November 23 – Thanksgiving in the US
- November 24 – Black Friday
- November 27 – Cyber Monday
- December 7 – First Day of Hanukkah
- December 21 – Winter Solstice
Portland Area Fall Bucket List Outings & Events:
As with spring and summer, many events and seasonal activities have a more independent vibe. So find fun local fall activities. Check your local tourism website for seasonal ideas. Or search for “fall events” + your city. Here are some of activities we enjoy!
- Corn Maze on Sauvie Island – opens September!
- Watch the Swifts fly at Chapman Elementary chimney – September all month
- Zombie walk – (for older kids!! don’t scare us! lol) – Halloween weekend
- Christmas Tree Lighting – downtown
- Christmas Ship Parade – December
- Zoo Lights – December
Fall Bucket List Printable
Here is your bucket list free printable! Fill it with ideas from the list above! Download here.
As usual, I hope this idea list gets you started on some fun autumn adventures and plans! Remember this list is intended to be fun and give you some ideas for things to occupy your kiddos. If it’s stressful or a production – especially in light of a pandemic – please skip it!
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