Last Updated: January 31, 2022

Hello and welcome [back]. I’ve been thinking about dusting off this ol’ blog for a few years now. It’s been about 7 or 8 years since I wrote over here on the regular. I’ve still been living the frugal bon vivant life – I just haven’t been sharing it!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately how this website fits into current life. I plan to do a little experimenting to see what kind of posting feels good. I’m cleaning up some of the old posts to make things simpler. So this is a “goodbye” to most of the shopping, coupon codes, sample sales and shopping deals. And a “hello!” to new possibilities.
Currently: Motherhood, DIY, creating, travel, outdoors, adventures, cooking, simplicity.
I’m planning on posting more in the realm of kiddo, baby, toddler stuff – mom-life! Minimalist-leaning, Montessori-leaning, and spreadsheets… always. So welcome and stick around if you want to hear about stuff I’ve found helpful lately, or if that’s not up your alley right now, cheers!
Either way, I will leave you with a beautiful picture of the ocean.
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