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Free $10-50 Amazon Credit after shopping Whole Foods & more

Prime Day Small Biz

Last Updated: October 17, 2021

Amazon is doing five different free $10 credits, for up to $50 to be used on Amazon Prime Day or October 13-14, 2020, after you shop any of the following between September 28 and October 14, 2020 if you are a Prime Member:

So if you’re a Prime member, spend $10 at any of those and then you’ll get a credit in your Amazon account. You just have to remember to spend it on Tuesday, October 13 or Wednesday, October 14!

Whole Foods Prime Day $10

Remember, you don’t actually have to go to the store to do this. We don’t have Amazon Go, Fresh, or Four Star in Portland, but I shopped on the PrimeNow app for a few grocery items for delivery and I might do the small biz one too. So that would be $20 of Amazon credit.

Amazon also currently has 50% off Prime memberships with an EBT or Medicaid card or you could also do a free 30 day Prime Trial.

Happy shopping!

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